My excitement of discovering winter eggs was abruptly killed when Peterpan said that chicken eggs in Holland come in many shades, whatever season it is. Wah total killjoy. Call me kampung, but I really haven't seen white chicken eggs before. Only white duck eggs, and they're salted.
The white egg shells are more brittle than the brown ones though. I tested by frying one after the other. (excuse to eat 2 eggs at one go woot) So there must be an explanation! *googles*
Findings: The difference between brown eggs and white eggs is purely cosmetic; it's just a matter of a baby taking after its mother. Hens with white feathers and white earlobes will lay white eggs, whereas hens with red feathers and matching-coloured earlobes give us brown eggs. There's no taste or nutritional difference.
Nothing mentioned about the strength of eggshells though. Nevermind. I still love my eggs in all shapes, sizes and colours.