Wednesday, August 03, 2005

sucky pay

Wednesday, August 03, 2005
I've discovered that I often visit the state of depression, and I know my way around pretty well.

My pay sucks. On the company salary pyramid, I'm just a rung above the despatch boy and accounts clerk. I'm working two positions but nobody's supposed to know about that. I only got my copywriter namecards (which I cannot distribute to clients) after 6 months of incessant bugging the management. I dread calling up friends for contacts and business development because their staple question would be "I thought you are writing advertisements?" and I could only grin sheepishly and quickly change the subject.

Boss said my days of beating my chest in pride and announcing to the world that I'm a copywriter is still in the bleak future. Reason being we're not busy enough and my workload is not heavy enough, and I can usually go home at 7pm.

I'm due for increment soon (I think). I wonder if I can get the same pay as the previous Art Director who also had one year of experience. The same Art Director who wanted to bill the company for every piece of design work she had to do, because Art Directors don't dirty their hands in designing. I'm much nicer. I do translations for the company free of charge. Just because I don't want the company to incur extra costs. And I'm a super genius with immaculate proficiency in 3 languages. I'm slightly comforted by the sole acknowledgement given by my new and soon-to-be ex-colleague. I'm almost sad she's terminated after 2 days of work.

I guess it's true what they say. It's not how good your work is, it's how well you explain it.


kong yoke said...

your job reminds me very much of my first job...and your boss sounds very much like my first boss...and your pay sounds very much like my first pay...

i can only hope you won't end up like i did in my first job.

Anonymous said...

I feel you. There was just a great article on MSN "Signs you should leave your job"....Anyways good luck!