Wednesday, March 30, 2005

new den

Wednesday, March 30, 2005
This weekend, I'll be shifting out of the dump I've been living in for the past 8 years. It stopped qualifying as a house around the 5th year when the upstairs water-tank leaked and neither our upstairs neighbour nor my houseowner wanted to pay for repair, shoving blame at each other until the whole place stank like a pig-pen and was covered in moss. For months I lived in fear of the ceiling collapsing on me in my sleep (I had a lot of unconfessed sins and hence wasn't ready to meet my Creator just yet... and come to think of it... not now either) and had fretful nights of sleep dreaming about evil mushrooms growing on the walls and ceiling and releasing evil spores into the air which would then travel down my respiratory system... *shudder* (shuddup, smoking is nowhere as scary, mmkay?)

Anyways, plenty of cleaning and packing to do, and of course not forgetting the best part - buying new stuff! I've basically piled all the clothes I want to bring along into one of the Dell CPU boxes I bought from the garbage lady for 50 cents a piece. The exciting journey of trashing unnecessary knick knacks and discovering long-amissed documents/pictures/junk in the weirdest nooks and corners will officially start today. It's gonna be tough, since I'm not really a throw-away-old-stuff person. (whaaaat... I'm nostalgic, mmkay?) I can just imagine someone rubbing his hands in glee at the prospect of throwing away stuff on my behalf, though. Sigh, sad parting... oh junk.

Am going to compare prices later at a coupla hypermarts. I don't reckon I have enough moolah to Ikea-nize my place just yet. But that won't diminish my determination to turn my room (alas, I can't afford the whole house either) into a college student's wet dream. I want it to represent every country's typical decor. I want it to be culturally eccentric in its mish mash of worldstuffs. Translated: Anything cheap goes!!!

I think KC will kill me.