Tuesday, February 21, 2006

chicken game

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Was browsing through the net for supergengchow names for my client's chicken wings and drumsticks when I came across this. Just find it too cute to be true. Next time I know what to do when the bosses are not in! Muahahahaha.

Been wanting to post pictures from my Singapore gathering with the Sistahs but my monitor at home went kaput after I downloaded the pictures into the computer. Bummer. Now I can't do anything until Samsung sends me a new one or I go buy one myself. Or maybe, just maybe... I could persuade brother to carry his from downstairs to my room...

My weekend was great! Although I spent not more than 24 hours with Ange, E/E and LCL, we had really some quality time. Been ages since I've laughed that hard. I hate to think we're all grown up now, and soon we'll be doing crappy grown up stuff like get married, have kids, talk about nothing else but what diaper brands are good etc.

I miss high school years.