I totally mean it when I say it's about time I torture and pound my liver into smithereens with alcohol. There's no fun being the one holding a Coke when everyone else is having liquor. There's no fun waking up with rashes all over my limbs after only one shot. I don't handle rejection well, and by damn I wanna handle my liquor better.

So I proceeded to get myself plastered at Poppy Garden. 6 girls and 2 bottles of Chivas. I only managed to down a glass before starting to feel really really warm. And stupid.

But I was beaten by Wombat who guzzled the fire-liquid straight from the bottle. Crazy woman! But it was pleasantly rewarding to see those pristinely dressed and made up hotties cringe and do a little dry heave in the ladies when she hurled into the basin in plain sight.
Can't wait till Mambo Jambo night. And I want some Taro.
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