I just had Manhattan Fish Market for dinner again! Two nights in a row. Can't help this weakness in me. Their baked dory is excellent! But I'm damn thirsty now, so the tastiness of their fish dish might be all artificial. Oh well.

Everyone, meet Vodka my goddaughter. Vodka, meet everyone. And stop staring at the handsome black-and-white he-bitch already. He ain't real. Actually, a lot of male species out there ain't real, but I'll lecture you when you're older.

Vodka likes to sleep like this. I wonder if her throat/neck hurts when she wakes up. Now Vodka's mummy's got her a nice big fluffy cushion to sleep on so it's much better.

Vodka and I sharing a moment of bonding and closeness. In silence. Just look at her sombre, deep-in-thought expression. Fwaaaah. Or it could be sleepiness, because...

...Vodka didn't wanna camwhore with me no more after a while.
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