Since I'm blogging on this date at this hour, it's pretty safe to deduce that yes, I'm single, I'm dateless and the icing on the cake is... I'm sick. Not that I care much for not being able to go out today, I don't want to be sick when Chinese New Year comes! (note to self: must RESIST no matter how many mandarin oranges beg to be eaten) Think about the glorious food and cookies and chocolates! And the heat! Chinese New Year is always the hottest time of the year. And staying near the beach doesn't help it at all, nope. Every year, at my grandma's, I couldn't lift a hand to swat away a fly by 2pm, lying in a pool of my own sweat, hoping that glueing my back to the cold marble floor would cool my body somewhat but the heat always wins.
Anyway, Eryn is coming over later tonight after her karaoke session for a sleepover. And Jarod is coming over too after his singles party. I'll be having a man and a woman. In my bedroom. All's good.

And my hair's back to black again. I hope people would stop asking why. I joke and create nonsense reasons, but actually... it's for Nido. One month, dear brother. I can't keep on wearing black during Chinese New Year like I did for the past one month (my grandma would have a cardiac arrest if I dare be so inauspicious) but nobody can say black hair is not festive, right? I miss you, whatever region or country you're traveling right now.
I will be fine. The sun will still shine.
Just a little bit colder, that's all.
I grow a little bit older, that's all.