Muse opened with Knights of Cydonia, followed by Hysteria. YES! So very predictable. Hee hee. But so good. I was practically floating on cloud nine (until I watched Ethan's Hullabaloo DVD with their off-stage idiotic footage that killed all fantasies) throughout. On second thoughts, they were TOO good. No ripping off clothes, no spraying champagne at the audience, no smashing of instruments... Hmm. How come other concerts have these and we don't! Now I feel a bit deprived. Note to self:
must go stalk their UK gigs when they're back from the world tour. Reading here I come!

Best song of the night has to be Plug In Baby. And I damn near cried when Invincible came on. My only regret? Not bringing the camera. My phone camera takes the lousiest shots. Nothing can be seen! NiamahaiKNNCCB! Thanks to Dee Dee, now I have at least
some pictures to post. Also taken with someone's phone camera.
I so shouldn't have watched Hullabaloo's second DVD. Now I don't want Matt's baby anymore. Hahaha. But I guess what Si said is true, why would rebel teen wannabes idolise Muse if they were just "normal"? Nobody worships normalcy. Food for thought. But that DVD was done in 2001 when they're all just 22 or 23, and since then all of them have settled down considerably. No more crazy vids except on-stage madness!
They're still the best live rock act out there, no matter what. Matt's a talented devil bursting with inspiration and superb energy. And don't forget his magic fingers.
Their complete set list is here (with vids of every song on youtube!) ... *scream hysterically*
I think I -did- warn you about that "idiotic footage". Sometimes ignorance is bliss...
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