Draaaaaat I haven't updated for so long I might as well close down the site. Now that I've started working I barely have time to read other people's blog, let alone blogging myself. And there's always the bane of normal, healthy social lives, Facebook. (whaaat, I'm almost at my 100th friend now so I'm excited ok!) Anyway Aggy's coming this weekend and I haven't vacuum (or shall I be a proper British and say "hoover") and clean up the sty. Then Wern-Yi might be coming the next weekend, and my Peter-ito the weekend after that. My bed's so gonna think I'm teh slut of the century.
But yeah, work. Work's been pretty much my entire life and universe for the past 3 weeks. Sure doesn't feel that long. It's very interesting, what I do now, being someone's personal assistant. Trying to learn everything the Bossman knows and then be a step ahead of him so I can plan tasks and schedules for him. So far the most exciting "projects" I've done is learning how to use Outlook (and having the powderful access to Bossman's mailbox), ordering stationery online, drawing our new website map with Visio, measuring and sketching a client's bathroom (doesn't smell very nice though, and it's disturbing how the pong slowly dissipated the longer I stayed in the small stuffy room... did my clothes absorb all the goodness?), and attempting to make sense of 10 boxes and 2 cabinet-ful of Bossman's miscellaneous junk. Unearthed some pretty weird stuff, I must say.
But yeah, work. Foresee more interesting days ahead. Nice boss, nice colleagues, nice working environment. Only un-nice part is the 3 hours of commuting every day. And I cannot afford to move any closer to work. Sigh. London! Nevermind, think positive think positive. Bossman's taking me to Bologna next month for Cersaie! And and...

Say hello to my new toy (a.k.a. handcuffs to the Bossman), the BlackBerry Pearl. I have no frickin' idea how to work it yet, I just use it for my morning alarm. Damn thing looks so
canggih I'm seriously terrified of it. Yeah, I'm glad Bossman doesn't read my blog.