When: 5pm Friday, after coming back from 100% Design exhibition.
Why: My orange juice was laced with a little vodka.
So much for trying to be the tough cookie when Bossman's buying everyone drinks. No no, I don't like beer. You guys go ahead. I'll have Malibu with pineapple juice. Oh you don't have that? What should I have then, Bossman? Oh? Vodka with sparkling orange juice is nice? Ok I'll have that.
Oh the length I had to go through to make sure I don't puke. No fun at all being humiliated (I'd prefer praised, but too bad all comments were from women) as a cheap date (note to self: order the most expensive tea there is on the menu to counter cheap date) and generally feeling like crap with head threatening to thud into explosion.
Why I cannot drink one.
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