Almost two months overdue but here it is. A post about Paris, the city of love and romance... if you think rain is sexy. My first Eurostar journey was quite sexy and smooth though, didn't even realise I was going into a tunnel under the sea. Not to mention the speed. I got from London to Paris within the same time frame it takes me to go home from work, every day. Bitching.

I've been underground since disembarking from the train at Gare du Nord, and this is the first sight of the city that greeted me coming out from the Metro. Arc du Triomphe. I wasn't as thrilled with the monument as I was with the fact that I'd be staying in such a posh part of town, woohoo!

Evidence of how much my man and I love our books. Not a moment to waste!

Obligatory act-cute pose before I get too old for it. Shuddup if you're gonna say I have already breached said threshold. It's not easy filtering out pictures to post here that aren't already on Facebook. I don't want to repeat my pictures. Yes it's my blog and I can change the subject whenever I feel like it.

I was a bit let down by Champs-Elysees to be honest. I expected Regent Street x3 with the glitter and glamorous high-so people prancing about but got a run down Bintang Walk instead.

The Louvre is HUGE. Since we underestimated the walking distance to the museum from our hotel through Champs-Elysees, I was already quite tired and grumpy by the time we got there. And the stifling heat didn't help, especially at the entrance (glass pyramid that look very high-tech and nice in the picture)... my eyeballs nearly combusted.

It's a shame we couldn't cover the entire museum even though we paid for the damn tickets. We were just too... sleepy. Totally shouldn't stay up till 2 in the morning drinking coffee and chatting with Peter's colleagues. We chose to just do the hall housing Mona Lisa, took some pictures and then left (very wisely by Metro this time) and slept till dinnertime. Sorry-lah dear Louvre, didn't do you justice this time. But your exhibit, the Mona Lisa is a bit cheating also. So small in real life! And wassup with the barriers and guards preventing us from taking a decent picture, eh?

Energised from the well-deserved nap and yumyum-in-the-tumtum from a really nice and proper French dinner, we got adventurous and walked again in search of Eiffel Tower. We reckoned chances of us not finding it would be very low, after all, it's a tower. Just look up, right?

See what good food can do to the Ogress. Even if the boyfriend cannot take a proper night-time picture to save his life. But I still love him to bits-lah. He's paying for the tripod AND shoulder the responsibility of lugging it around though.

Apple flavour Minute Maid! I have never encountered one before this. And I must say, Minute Maids taste better out of tetrapaks. Drinking them from the can reminded me painfully of tap water in London. Metallica!

Basilica of the Sacred Heart at the peak of Montmarte. It's totally the Batu Caves of Paris - the amount of steps one has to climb can kill the faint-hearted. Although there wasn't any peril of monkeys trying to grab your food/jewellery, there were many African dudes lolling around the foot of the hill trying to tie bits of string on your hand and then extort you for money. Equally annoying.

The sound effects that totally completed the whole ethereal, serene feel to the place. Very apt for a cathedral on top of a hill overlooking the whole Paris, doncha think? If you could ignore the meddling, peddling string-sellers (you can see one in action in this picture on the left), that is. And the anxiety of pigeons shitting on your head.

Our cosy hotel, with endless supply of Minute Maids right across the road. And free wifi. The boyfriend would probably throw a tantrum when he sees a half nekkid picture of him here for the world to see but it's not like he reads my blog... so... ssshhhh. And yeah we have two beds. Cannot meh?

The Notre Dame. We weren't feeling very churchey so opted out from paying to have a look inside. In retrospect I should have climbed up the tower and check out the bell and gargoyles. Oh well.

The Thinker at Musee Rodin. Big big garden adorned with clusters of statues. I like.