I have had no inspiration to blog at all. For such a long time. I wonder if working in a company called Inspirations does that to you. Or the daily 3-hour battle with the nefarious energy-sucking vampire called London Underground.
Moving forward...
Okay, first backwards a little. Summary of the past months starting from the most recent.

No. I haven't gotten this fat during my hiatus. Or pregnant. Although it's fun to scare you reader(s?) a bit.
Anyway one week after this picture was taken...

Baby Sep came into the world. He is so super mega adorable! I can't believe I have to wait until July to see/touch/pinch/bully Baby Sep. Barely a week old and he can smile like this!
I envious. I want.
(and Peter freaks out)
Other than my birthday, May was a month of strawbies. I finally fulfilled my wish of plucking strawbies in a real strawbie farm. Outside Peter's family house. Which were then turned into pie. Fruit of labour indeed!
I want lotsa strawbies outside my house also.
(and Peter freaks out again)
April was a month of Eryn. Finally she's here. In London. And she brought me many presents, the most memorable being bedbugs. I really hope the scars would fade in time.
I actually miss having a room-mate now that she's found her own place.
Eh, that's a hot pregnant mum!
And that baby really cute. He can actually SMILE.
When's yrs? :P
I know. My future-nephew damn cute right? Have to wait another month before I visit him.
Mine ah... not so soon-lah. I'm still a baby myself kan.
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