Oh yeah, I'm so hooked onto this series. Bad. As bad as The X-Files some time back. And CSI doesn't leave me with a huge "?" after every episode. (those outlandish theories were a bit too cheem for me) I like the CSI team portrayed here. They're... human. Each with his/her own problem. And although they're hunky (guys) and skinny (women), they have wrinkles! Yes, I never enjoyed Baywatch. So? Bombard me with flak already.
Seriously, I don't know why. I just have this yearning deep within me that cries piteously for fulfillment. Ooooh. With not-too-ripe bananas. And warm, sticky, chocolate fudge. Gaaaaaaaah... I've been suppressing it for the past week, but... Gaaaaaaah...
YEAH!! CSI rocks!! Go have a banana split at Secret Recipe!!
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