Or rather, in this case, discredit. And that's not fine. At all. Our designers work with the speed of snails being zapped by stun guns. I am the tail of a rabid dog being chased round and round and snapped at incessantly. My clients blame me for missing deadlines, Designer Dudes blame me for impossible internal deadlines, Boss blames me for not pushing the designers hard enough. And all the time I'm just trying to be nice. Sob. But I still love my job. Something about not having to wear power suits and high-heels to work totally appeals to me. But then they'd better give me a raise soon or I'm gonna be eating doggie biscuits for its high-nutrient contents.
I'm about to collapse any minute. I'm too old to be sleeping at 4 a.m. Damn. No thanks to the Man Utd vs Arsenal match last night. No, don't get me wrong. I wasn't having insomnia because of hyper post-match celebratory adrenaline rush. The match was, in toto, boring. Not much action from Henry and my Gary-baby got himself 2 yellows. During the first half of the match I had to order food (oh I have sinned) to (1) keep me from falling off my chair; (2) muffle the aroma of rotting rat carcass wafting up from the drain beside the table; (3) avoid responding directly to Julian's uber-weird remarks eg "Do you mind me staring at you?" and "You look hot tonight"... (raise eyebrow quizzically)
So what kept me up till the wee, wee hours in the morning? Oh. I've been introduced to the wonderful world of manga. Not just any manga, but scanlation, yaoi, yuri and shou-jo manga. Oh yeah I am fluent (self-professed) in manga-ish now. I can't believe my cousins who're 13 and 17 actually dig these stuff! Tsk tsk. I'm gonna be kept busy for the next few weeks.
Cool shit, I'm telling you.
I've got Ghost In the Shell 2: Innocence (Cool graphics, bad plot)
and a compilation of three weird shorts called, Memories.(Pretty gripping, like Animatrix). I got - but you don't.....Yay-yay.
I believe you're talking about anime. I prefer manga. without the fake shrill voice-over. And room for imagination.
woi, cannot be a person too NICE person in work ! Gotta learn to protect urself oi ....
Remember wat i've told u previously ya...
~ Eryn ~
I thought it was Manga who had the shrill voice-over. Manga is the more comic-like Japanese version of animation. Shrill voice-overs included. Anime is like Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke. Completely different from Manga, and less comic-like.
Ethan: Manga is a comic book.
Eryn: Did you say anything about not being so nice at work? I can't remember. Maybe I'm too nice to keep un-nice memories... ^_^
Ooops. Silly me. In any case, Anime ASLO includes room for the imagination. Oh well. Matters of taste are not to be disputed.
• What is manga? Manga is the Japanese word for a comic book. Most manga are published weekly, with serial storylines. To Western eyes, manga illustrations can take some getting used to. The genre is characterized by visual ironies and playful contradictions between art and text. Often, the grotesque and the cartoonish co-exist. External chaos is reflected in steely, stoic eyes. Internal tension explodes outwardly with motion lines, flying sweat and mouths misshapen by rage, joy or confusion. The manga format has been traced back as far as the year 900, to Buddhist scrolls depicting life after death. Sizes and formats vary from pocket-sized novels and weekly, magazine sized publications to massive anthologies thick as telephone books. Manga books cost $3 to $20, or more.
• What is anime? Anime is an umbrella term for Japanese animation, though people from Japan will typically refer to any animation as anime. Like manga, the genre encompasses many themes and styles.
• Manga vs. anime? It can be difficult to separate manga and anime because their product lines are often cross-marketed along with graphic novels, video games, toys, and collectible cards. Many popular anime series started off as manga; a few manga began as anime.
Thanks, David, for all the info. I concur. Now read this, you uncultivated people out there!
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