Watched a movie in my housemate's room last night. I was particularly excited as the movie was banned and would never hit the cinemas around here. It was supposed to be a horror flick, being the sequel to an award-winning eerie production. Maybe we were expecting too much. The movie turned out to be quite bland. I didn't flinch or dry-heave during the abortion scene or chopping-fetuses-up-into-dumplings scene. And no ghosts. Not enough gore. What a let down.
"Boo" to lousy storyline and too much hushed publicity (!!!).
"Hurrah" to free DVD rips and downloads.
U still wanna eat dumpling after seeing this movie? Tony Leung Kar Fai's butt very sexy....hehe
Dumplings are yummylicious. So is Tony's butt. So is the girl's sitting on him.
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