My response to a coupla things...
Italy won against Germany! A bit hard to swallow that a bunch of old farts could beat the hottest potential World Cup 2006 champion. That aside, I'm in a conundrum about the next match! I enjoy Portugal very much (including how they're good in provoking others muahahaha that takes damn good acting skills can... and of course Ronaldo has to be so bloody good-looking) but on the other hand I don't want this to be Zidane's final game. He's got skills, experience and style. I like. France or Portugal. Portugal or France. Why can't they BOTH be in the finals. Siiiiiiiiigh.
Superman. *swoon* Yayaya I know he's got like 3 different facial expressions throughout the entire movie, he doesn't light up the screen, he seems too young and carefree, but... *swoon* I have to quote my colleague: If you didn't enjoy this movie, you're not the target audience. Only thing I'm unhappy about is the fact that he fathered a child. HOW CAN! How can any woman have Superman?
I'm watching Superman again. Tonight. Yes I'm watching it two nights in a row.
lolzx.. wat a funny post u have.. I dunno, any woman has Superman before... Havent watched the movie yet.. still patiently waitin for any free time.. lolz.. Wicked blog.. but wat a lovely blog here... visit my blog and tell me wat do u think about it InvernoKL keep up all the good works.. rocKZ!! :p take care, xian
I have to back Italy, Ronaldo may get an Oscar, but not a golden boot. :-)
Yeah, my first reaction to that was the same as yours..HOW COME??
and Superman is just sooo adorable..hehe
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