Just little touch of Madonna's wild style
With Janet Jackson's smile
Throw in a body like Jennifer's
You've got the star of my liquid dreams
My liquid dreams
Way to go, O-Town (by the way, anyone knows what's happened to them?). My liquid dreams were shattered at Liquid last night. Most happening gay bar in town my foot. Got me so excited about the All Girls' Party for nothing.
See. No people on the dancefloor. Damn dead the party. Turn out wasn't fantastic also. But it was still an eye-opener for me, seeing so many girls who like girls dancing and hugging/kissing/groping. The pairings are so... vibrant. And all along I thought the masculine-looking ones will pair up with feminine softies with wavy locks. The possibilities... wow. Educational. Then there's this yummylicious chain-smoking andro surrounded by superhot chicks... dayum!
Maybe because it's pole-dancing night, that's why the party was deader than a vulture-infested bloated carcass in the Gobi. When I wasn't standing at a corner feigning interest at the dancing crowd while checking out the hot andro, I sat at the bar with my beer (they only have Carlsberg, Guiness or mineral water! What the....) and camwhored.

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