Monday, December 31, 2007

My first out-of-town sight-seeing trip for the Christmas break - Den Bosch. Well the full name of the town is 's-Hertogenbosch but I'm sure all foreign visitors join me in rejoicing that it's better known for the humanly-pronunciable shorter name.

I haven't hung out much with twins as friends in real life. They're like unicorns. Fascinating and alien with plenty of theories and whispers of telepathy and the likes. I still stare at Jos with the intense interest of a scientist to a rare species of butterfly pinned onto a slide. Hence I try not to look at him too much. The resemblance in gait, laughter and outlook are
scaaaary. Doppelganger!

My twin is well, less complex. I think. He's always happy. Click for more
Den Bosch pictures while I go pack my bags to go to Jos and Marjanne's for New Year countdown and a game of Scrabble.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
On Christmas Day I went to Peter's mum's for dinner with the rest of the Beerguzzlers. My earlier self-inflicted stress and worry proved to be merely self-inflicted (as always) because they were really nice people. It was a night of merry-making and introduction to a very different Christmas dinner do. Instead of stuffed roast turkey and Christmas log and brussel sprouts like what I anticipated from telly... my first ever European Christmas experience was a... gourmet.
"Christmas dinner in The Netherlands is a bit different from customs in neighbouring countries. One typical Dutch tradition is that of 'gourmet'. This is an evening long event where small groups of people sit together around a gourmet-set and use their own little frying pan to cook and season their own food in very small portions. The host has prepared finely chopped vegetables and different types of meats, fish and prawns/shrimps. Everything is accompanied by different salads, fruits and sauces. The origin of gourmet lies most likely in the former Dutch colony Indonesia." (from Wikipedia)
I'd sift through hundreds of mouth-watering foodie pics and post the best ones up but alas, as my luck with cameras would have it, the camera battery died before dinner started. Fuck. It. Lah.
Backview of the house where Peter grew up in. Was too shy to take pics of the frontal so I sneaked around the backyard, stepped in shit, and took pictures of...
... a homegrown brocolli (hopefully) plant. Much to the amusement of the family, whom I realised too late, could see my every move from the kitchen window.
The garden shed. Although, garden is very wrong a word to call the heee-yooooge piece of land around the house. And everyone's cajoling Peter to build his house on it, much to his aghast. As for me... why not? I can have the biggest mofo-ing kitchen in the world. And summers filled with strawberries around the house where I can just squat and stuff my face. And wave snails about at the faint-hearted. Fun! Let's see if I get my way in this... *rub hands in glee*
Note - Peter's family name translates into "in the beer house" in English.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Today is the first day of winter, according to the Chinese custom. It certainly felt like winter long ago. It doesn't make me gawp anymore watching my neighbours scrape ice off their windshields while I walk to the tube station in the mornings. I'm learning to not just look at the temperature but also wind chill factor. My ears feel like they're on fire every time I expose them outdoors. Walking itself is a chore, hobbling and slipping like a stunted penguin along ice-covered walkways. Painful lungs and steam rising from my nose/mouth with each laboured, icy breath.
Don't get me wrong, the general coldness is crisp and refreshing, as long as there's no wind. And no, I have yet to see snow.

Thank God for some familiarity on chilly days of dry flaky skin. Kong Kia is my very own Santa came early. I love you long time! I love tang-yuen with black sesame filling! (I cooked these, by the way. Me me me!)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
This post is kicked into being by Sonia of Meta4our. I am very much pleased to know that I now have the grand total of two (maybe more, we'll have to see who shows him/herself by leaving a comment) constant readers. But my determination to learn as much as I can at work, coupled with the lovely London Underground service on Piccadilly Line that makes the normal 3-hour work commute drag into an unbearable 4... leaves me with precious little time to cook dinner, catch a glimpse of my downloads, talk to my bloke online, do laundry etc. Gradually decreasing sporadic bursts to write properly are cleanly absorbed by Facebook and emails. So, no blogging for long long time.
But it's time to turn over a new leaf. Because it's autumn and all old leaves fall down. Disregarding the merciless chilly wind and general coldness of London, I'm quite excited being smack in the middle of my virgin-autumn. Soon it'll be my virgin-winter, and boy-o-boy I'm gonna see/touch/lick me some real snow!

Can you blame me for subconsciously humming California Dreaming whenever I get outdoors?

It's so cold I'm wearing this indoors. And it's not winter yet. Dammit.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Work busy.
House internet died.
Confirmed Berlin for Christmas break.
Confirmed flight back to Malaysia for Chinese New Year.
Going to the park at Eindhoven later.
Still alive.
Monday, October 29, 2007

China MiƩville is a genius. When Bossman told me enthusiastically how Perdido Street Station is his favourite book of all time, all I could picture mentally was the cover of the Tom Hanks DVD which sounds eerily similar to the title.
It's not an easy book to read at all. I almost gave up at the second chapter because of the complexity of characters, setting with no explanation or flashbacks whatsoever. Who is who, where is where, what is what... my sleepy morning one-hour tube rides and exhausted evening ones didn't take well to the story. But like a soldier that I am, I trudged slowly through; word by word, sentence by sentence. I began to doubt if I share the same taste as Bossman in books after all. Which, should be the case because I've enjoyed six of his recommended books tremendously.
Then something shifted and I got sucked into New Crobuzon, smelling the pollutant-rich air (ok ok it could be London's public transport), walking among khepris, garudas, Remades, vodyanois, cactus people and sharing their ripe dark fear of the slake moths and nightmares, plotting together and against each other to survive.
I subject myself to two delicious hours of new words, new beings and new dimensions of existence every day... and now that I'm at the final quarter of the book, every paragraph is painstakingly precious. I don't want it to end! But I'm also dying to know the final outcome. Ah, this is what a beautiful book does to you. An empty sense of loss (and longing) and few minutes of displacement when you disengage mind from story.
I challenge you to read Perdido Street Station and not fall in love with it.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Scold me. Cane me. Unfriend me on Facebook. I'm sorry for the absence. Thanks Gab for bombarding me to come back here from my affair with Facebook. Dammit the fluff-pet thing there is addictive. I'll friend anyone who pets my pet! Come pet come pet.
Back to blogging. I'm back from a weekend in Brussels! I'm recovering from my first cold contracted in cold-and-getting-colder London! I'm gonna continue watching Supernatural Season 2 to make space for the 5 seasons of Futurama that Peter downloaded! Be a good boy/girl and see my
Brussels pictures and leave me to faster watch and faster delete my drama series ok?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I was craving for hot, steaming Chinese food at 9pm last night. Being her typical self, London hid all the Chinese eateries away from sight after 8pm. I ate the chilly bone-searing nightwind instead, trudging along the bustling Oxford Street. (well ended up eating at Garfunkel's but it's not the same!)
This morning I came into work and lo behold! A Chinese takeaway container on my table! My heart leapt and saliva oozed. Could it be for me or some evil colleague chose this very day to accidentally leave the food I crave accidentally on my table? I asked around and got happier and hopefuller as the number of head-shakers increased.
Bossmum looked at me blankly when I asked if she brought me Chinese. Bossman overheard (what's new, the man's omni! -present, -hearing, -tasking and whatever you care to name) and went "Oh! I totally forgot about that! Supposed to put it in the fridge this morning!"
I told him he really made me happy for half an hour for nothing.
"But I got it for you!"
*vision blurs*
How to not love a boss like that?
Having said that, a telepathic one is kinda scary.
Saturday, October 06, 2007

Bologna was great right up to the point when we were at the Italian airport waiting for our flight back. Like your usual friendly low-cost carrier, Ryan Air was late. The airport was small with nothing to eat except weird sandwiches. Nevermind. Then Stansted's passport control had to have this ridiculously long queue at freakin' 12.30am. Having missed the last train back into civilisation, we had to bus it, then cab it separately, and the last member of the posse reached home at 4am.
To add on to my frustration, I stepped on a snail walking to my front door. Sickening crunch, snail squashed, I wiped my boots on the neighbour's patch of grass, crashed into bed fully clothed and woke up with mascara on my pillow and contact lense dried up northwards of eyeball, threatening to lodge itself into brains.
But enough of moaning. Let's rewind a little bit now.

We had a 2-hour little getaway break before heading towards the airport after our Cersaie stint, so Bossman generously shoved us into the main plaza of Bologna - the Piazza Maggiore, fronting the famous San Petronio church. He also tried to get us to eat at the nicest restaurant in town but they close from 3-7pm. Boo. Must give him credit for trying though.

I love Bossman. Even if we had to work in the train. Because he remembers I cannot sit facing the opposite direction. And I love juice. And food makes me happy. And we share a bizarre, warped sense of humour.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Whirlwind Called Peter came and left during the weekend. So has Incubus, the main reason Peter flew over (of course there's me, as well) to see them in action and, being the general disorganised person (new busy career-woman is how I like to put it) I am, there were no more tickets when I tried to book some. So I compensated by bringing him to the British Museum and look at ancient, shriveled dead people.
Wern Yi has moved south to London! Befriended her friends and brother as well. Cool, cool people. Now I know someone in Leeds to bunk with, if the desire to visit ever arises. Funny how people connect and become friends so much faster in a foreign country than our own.
And tomorrow I fly to Bologna for
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Where: Jessey's turf in the office.
When: 5pm Friday, after coming back from 100% Design exhibition.
Why: My orange juice was laced with a little vodka.
So much for trying to be the tough cookie when Bossman's buying everyone drinks.
No no, I don't like beer. You guys go ahead. I'll have Malibu with pineapple juice. Oh you don't have that? What should I have then, Bossman? Oh? Vodka with sparkling orange juice is nice? Ok I'll have that.Oh the length I had to go through to make sure I don't puke. No fun at all being humiliated (I'd prefer
praised, but too bad all comments were from women) as a
cheap date (note to self: order the most expensive tea there is on the menu to counter
cheap date) and generally feeling like crap with head threatening to thud into explosion.
Why I cannot drink one.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Someone is trying to hook Bossman up with the actress from Nip/Tuck. In real life. This job is getting too glamorous to handle. So is the totally hawt but totally shy freelance IT guy that comes in once a week.
My boss. Talking about Joely being too tall for him.
Most beautiful man in London. In my office.
Pinch me. Now.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Draaaaaat I haven't updated for so long I might as well close down the site. Now that I've started working I barely have time to read other people's blog, let alone blogging myself. And there's always the bane of normal, healthy social lives, Facebook. (whaaat, I'm almost at my 100th friend now so I'm excited ok!) Anyway Aggy's coming this weekend and I haven't vacuum (or shall I be a proper British and say "hoover") and clean up the sty. Then Wern-Yi might be coming the next weekend, and my Peter-ito the weekend after that. My bed's so gonna think I'm teh slut of the century.
But yeah, work. Work's been pretty much my entire life and universe for the past 3 weeks. Sure doesn't feel that long. It's very interesting, what I do now, being someone's personal assistant. Trying to learn everything the Bossman knows and then be a step ahead of him so I can plan tasks and schedules for him. So far the most exciting "projects" I've done is learning how to use Outlook (and having the powderful access to Bossman's mailbox), ordering stationery online, drawing our new website map with Visio, measuring and sketching a client's bathroom (doesn't smell very nice though, and it's disturbing how the pong slowly dissipated the longer I stayed in the small stuffy room... did my clothes absorb all the goodness?), and attempting to make sense of 10 boxes and 2 cabinet-ful of Bossman's miscellaneous junk. Unearthed some pretty weird stuff, I must say.
But yeah, work. Foresee more interesting days ahead. Nice boss, nice colleagues, nice working environment. Only un-nice part is the 3 hours of commuting every day. And I cannot afford to move any closer to work. Sigh. London! Nevermind, think positive think positive. Bossman's taking me to Bologna next month for Cersaie! And and...

Say hello to my new toy (a.k.a. handcuffs to the Bossman), the BlackBerry Pearl. I have no frickin' idea how to work it yet, I just use it for my morning alarm. Damn thing looks so
canggih I'm seriously terrified of it. Yeah, I'm glad Bossman doesn't read my blog.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
So I'm now a proper working class person. A week and a half into being a Bossman's Right-Hand, I'm still learning and enjoying the new experiences. Still terrified about picking up the phone (especially Bossman's mobile) but I could only run away to make tea
that many times in a day. Next week we're gonna sit down to discuss the corporate website and brochure. Should be interesting. But then, having the sole power to order whatever stationery I like for everyone is also very interesting.
Now that the sun's only up till 8pm and not 10pm... what's better than reminiscing about the good summery trips we took a few weeks ago?
Si, YC and I went to Stratford-upon-Avon to be immersed in Shakespeare one very sunny Saturday. And then his uni in Warwick and the 2 flats he lived in while studying and then dinner at his favourite Indian restaurant.
All those we did, but not Warwick Castle. Because no more sun.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
I now have
Bryan Boy as a friend on Facebook. Wow, talk about having the closest thing to a celebrity as a friend. I haven't been reading that third-world skinny bitch's blog as religiously nowadays, but you should. He's the loudest, funniest, smartest and proudest.
Which jives perfectly well with my post today on Brighton and it's annual Pride event. I know I'm a wee bit behind on this (but no, I'm not a behind-person so AIM CAREFULLY DAMMIT) but just bear with me yeah. I'll make this short and sweet so y'all can just click on
the link and go see pictures. Someone killed my braincells a little today by asking me to download and watch A Night At The Roxbury so I'm not feeling too witty right now.
After lots of colourful parades (as well as openly gay displays of affection) in the Netherlands, I have to say the Brighton one wasn't too entertaining. Nevermind the few Chinese bitches who elbowed me and shouldered their ways to the front and left me snapping pictures of people's arms or hair or cameras. I was standing quite in front because I've been queuing there, dammit. I'm ashamed of my fellow skin sometimes.
Having said that, I went for a job interview with a manager who's from Brighton (and sounded suspiciously too enthusiastic about the whole Pride thing to be straight) and he said the REAL fun isn't at Madeira Drive (where the parade starts) but at the park where it ends and everyone gets really drunk and clappy-happy.
Note: No, I'm not a 'phobe. My interviewer said "Pride is AWESOME! I never miss a year!" and how can you not suspect a statement like that?Si got really really sunburnt from sitting on the pebbled Brighton beach and feeding my tuna bagel to the pebbles. After ignoring his pinkness (which turned a more and more violent shade by the minute) by ogling at this hot young thing in a skin-coloured bikini (and betting with Si if it'd be transparent when she comes out of the water) for a good long time, we finally left Brighton. And since it's still quite early, we made an impromptu detour to visit Portsmouth. We drank beer at the pub which is converted from Si's dad's old office, and then watched Transformers at Vue. Then we went home and Si shed skin for the next week.
Now, I shall plot cunningly how to get Azwin Andy into my Facebook as well.
*swoon*No. Her bikini didn't become transparent.
I'm ashamed of myself. Haven't been updating for the past 2 weeks! I swear, I'm going to sit my fat-ass down this weekend and catch up with updates on my escapades to several quaint English towns.
The whirlwind called Peter has come and left and I haven't even finished uploading pictures for my Netherlands trip a month ago. Shame, shame. Without further ado, the final chapter of my Netherlands trip (until October, that is), the town which I hate and like at the same time (more dislike than like) - Rotterdam.

Like: Sausages sold from automatic vending machines. Sounds like nothing special at all, right? They're made of horse meat. Both Frikadel and Kroket are made from a mixture of mashed meat, including horse. Uh huh. I had a horse sausage and it was salty and plenty GOOD.

Like: Sweaty and hot young men beating their sticks. Oooh la la.
Dislike: Too politically incorrect to say it here. But you girls can gawk at my usual pristine
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Si texted me to meet in town for a post-interview mini-celebration today. It's been the best interview I've had to date, by a young and laid-back MD with a really interesting background. I didn't think someone up there can be so similar to myself. Let's see what comes out of this. For now, let's see Jessey drink!
Quantity of beer: 6. (Eco Warrior, Guzzler, Ossian, Danish Dynamite, Dark Fantastic, Orval) Nevermind I had like 3 sips on average of each. Just treasure the rare pictures of me actually allowing alcohol into my bloodstream, ok?
Where/What: The one place where all beers of the world come together to teach the world to sing in imperfect harmony (oh the band
*shudder*), and drunken men swap clothes with drunken women, and hotdogs go for an insane price, and the queue to the men's port-a-potty is longer than the women's.
How/Why: Because Si graciously paid for everything (including dinner at Wagamama's!) and happily (at least he
looked so) guzzled all my beer (that he chose) after my 3 sips. Entrance fee is a crazy 8pounds each ok! I
so think I wasted mine. Hence this picture is an attribute to the awesomeness of Si-from-Land-of-Skirt-wearing-Men. Thanks for the experience, sayang.
Tomorrow, we're going to Stratford-upon-Avon to breathe the air that Shakespeare slept, wrote, farted and left a legacy in. And explore Warwick Castle.
No, I don't think Dionne owns it.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Sometimes I amaze myself with my own funniness. What's there not to love?
Monday, August 06, 2007
Okay okay I know you guys are probably sick of my slow and painful Netherlands posts and pictures (WHAT? STILL GOT?!) but bear with me. This one is speshul, because of many speshul things I got to do besides taking cloud pictures and flower pictures and canal pictures.

I ate an entire raw herring. I've seen plenty of vans and stalls selling them, but somehow eating a WHOLE fish raw just didn't appeal to me like your typical sashimi does. But then, have to try everything once, right? So I went right ahead and bought myself an experience. It wasn't half as bad as I thought! I'll definitely eat it again happily. Outdoors. Because the fish pongs up the whole room and fridge.

I got a strange shout-out from my deceased godbro, Nido. Well, hello there dear! Welcome to the Netherlands! Where've you been for the 6 months since you're gone?

I cycled again after not doing so for about 10 years. The wind rushing past my face and hair was exhilarating, especially when I stood up mid-pedal and yelled a liberating "woooo hoooo". Then the building ache on my ass and pubic bone reminded me I'm not the skinny, sporty girl from 10 years ago anymore. I couldn't sit properly for days after cycling for about 30km that day. But hey, it was fun, and so was the caving adventure we cycled to.

We? Yup, you read it right. There was a
man involved. Curious, right? Not just nice scenery, nice flowers and nice canals anymore. Faster go see my
Friday, August 03, 2007

Utrecht is a small town (funny how it's the central train station for the whole of the Netherlands though) surrounded with canals. And interesting pubs and shops surround the main canal. The two rows of shops/restaurants/pubs are just nice for me, comprehensive enough to get whatever one needs but not dizzyingly crisscrossed with other canals and streets to get one lost in direction and choices.

The centre of Utrecht has to be Domplein, where the famous Dom Church is. Apparently one can climb up to the top of the tower and take kickass awesome pictures... but I. Just. Couldn't. Find. The. Entrance. Maybe they're under renovation? I truly believe so. (say otherwise and I'll perform The Nutcracker)

The inside of the Dom Church. Niiiiiiiice. Filled me with childlike wonder and reminded me of the incident where I climbed into the church of my Catholic kindergarten (
*ahem* broke in through the window, more accurately) and was punished by kneeling in silence for what seemed like a lifetime facing a similarly colourful (but slightly broken - or was it another one?) window like this one.
Anyway, more pictures

After all the sightseeing and obligatory photo-taking, I met up with Jenny and got drunk. Finally, someone smaller than me in size that I could bully into cooking dinner while I lay wasted across the couch staring shitfaced into the TV (thanks, buddy).

This could very well be the best leg of my entire trip. Maybe not in terms of accessibility and things to do, but
dayum the Bed & Breakfast is fantastic! Quaint neighbourhood with antique cars and resplendent courtyard gardens, I felt like I was walking backwards 20 years.
The bustling town centre with street parades, outdoor cafes, open air rave parties in the park. The starkly quieter housing areas. The long stretch (nevermind it was deserted and cold) of beach just 10 minutes away.
The combination leaves a sweet taste in my mouth. I'm gonna go away now to savour it while I still remember and you people can help yourselves to some sweetness too, right
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Every Friday morning, locals and tourists alike swarm to Alkmaar for the weekly cheese market in front of the cheese church. Having missed the Keukenhof gardens by an entire season, I wasn't about to miss the cheese so I braved the morning cold and sleepiness.

The sight of so many wheels (is that the right penjodoh bilangan?) of cheese made my heart gallop like a little deer. But alas, I realised that after all the pomp and show (they even have scientist-lookalikes to cut open some cheese and discuss intellectually among themselves for 15 minutes), these cheese aren't for sale! The workers wheeled the wheels of cheese into big trucks, where they're delivered to Timbuktu and never seen again.

What we could buy, was of course these smaller ones, from the
one stall selling cheese at the cheese market square. I didn't get any because I didn't wanna be lugging cheese around town on my first leg of journey. Now I regretted it. But only slightly. Because hey, cheese is cheese right. Regardless of whether it's starred in a show or not.

Alkmaar is also known as Little Venice. The end.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What is Amsterdam without the canals? Better quality pictures coming up, I promise... blame it on the weather.

What is Amsterdam without the museums? Thank goodness for Museumkaart which is a one-off payment all-access card to over 100 museums in the Netherlands. Very handy indeed on a rainy day with nowhere to go and nothing in the cinema to see. The museum featured here is the Stedelijk Amsterdam, but it's under renovation till 2009.

What is Amsterdam without the tulips? Alas, the only tulips I get to see this trip, are these. Bulbs. Because the effing 77-acre Keukenhof Gardens with 7 million flowers is only open in spring. And I didn't know!
*bash self over head* Just think about all the luvverly pikchas I could've taken, frolicking amongst petals and butterflies and sneezing non-stop!

What is Amsterdam without the red light district? Thank goodness
this highlight of my trip didn't disappoint. Proud rainbow flags. Suggestive shop names and even more lewd display items. Drool-inducing scantily-clad girls dancing in display windows to music only they can hear.
Why is it located so close to Chinatown, though?

What is Amsterdam without the Ogress? Probably a better place. Where river ducks don't get terrorised, dancing girls don't get upset with camera trying to capture them, museum guards don't need to say "no cameras!" one more time...
Too bad-lah. I came, I saw, and I didn't smoke weed or eat mushrooms.
More pictures (not really a lot, because it was museum-ing all the way, kan)
Monday, July 30, 2007

Who needs a wedding ring when you can have this baby for some serious lovin'?
I'm back in London, ladies and gentlemen. I need more time to regain my bearings and sob on my pillow that my holiday is over. Be patient. Pictures will be up shortly.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Stansted Airport. I missed my bus to the airport (but managed to catch the next one) so ended up with no extra time to find nice angles to shoot nice pictures from. Took this after clearing a clear vision line between the legs of Dutch giants (yes, they're really tall) while waiting for boarding.

Nice church I saw while walking to Peter's. I don't understand what's the statue of a pile of intestines doing in front though. From this angle it looks like turd, even.
*looks around warily for lightning*
The Netherlands is an hour ahead of London, so we get one more hour of sunshine. Yay for the solar-powered Jess! But their drinks come in the tiniest bottles imaginable. This is certainly the first time I lay eyes upon a 0.2L Coke Light. This street is
the happening place in Eindhoven, and true enough, I see people (and one really fat dog)!

Ate at a Mexican restaurant. The burritos here are hee-yuuuuge. Took me damn near 2 hours to finish mine. Plenty yum though. Makes me miss Chilli's back in KL!
Okay have to go unpack and repack again. Hitting Amsterdam and Zeeland (yay beaches) the next 4 days. Keeping fingers crossed the weather would be good like the past 2 days have been.
Monday. Got sick of writing and sending out CVs so I made pancakes for Mark who's talking away on the phone out in the garden. His expression of dawned understanding when I stood beside him, barefoot on the grass, with a plate of pancakes with honey and blackcurrant preserves in one hand and coffee in another... was priceless. Apparently I've just given him a lethal combined dosage of two of his favourite-est chow in the world. Chuckling and breathless from a big swirly hug, I went back inside to do the dishes. 3 minutes later I heard a loud "YUMMMMMMIEEEEE" and turned to see him whoop and war-dance holler on the grass.
Mark doesn't have to know that the pancake mix is past its expiry date.

Anyway, weather was superb so I took the tube down to Camden for a round of photography. Was hoping to catch a gig too, but alas, it's Monday (aka DEAD) night and nothing much was going on. Explored around Camden and discovered some nice spots, though... check out the rest in my
I'm flying off to the Netherlands later. 10 days of tulips, decorative clogs, legalised drugs and tallest people in Europe. And my bankruptcy.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Met up with Wes in Central on Saturday. Initial plan was to hit British Museum and Madame Tussaud's... but both choices were showered with huge meteorites of glitches. Most life-threatening one being Bel's precious camera blinking a "memory card error" when I first brandished it on that fine, sunny morning to take a picture outside British Museum.
Wah, talk about the rush of blood leaving my head. I couldn't believe how fucking jinxed I was (am?) when it comes to camera. My own camera died on the third day I got into London. And now her (more expensive) baby? NooOOOoooOOoOo!
So yeah. British Museum was me trudging sullenly behind Wes trying not to let my anxiety mar our day out. Could it be the memory card? Oh please let it be the memory card I cannot afford to replace her camera! We saw mummies and skeletal remains from Egypt. We saw bits and pieces of the Parthenon. Where can I find a Tesco to buy a cheap memory card and test it on the camera? I'm sure Tesco sells SD-cards. Wes and I grumbled when we couldn't find any prehistoric stuff. Apparently those are at another museum. Wes took some really interesting shots, but pictures would have to wait until he sends them over.

After British Museum (and a hearty lunch outside the museum with me having my first taste of breaded whitebait, fish & chips, Boston pie, bread & custard pudding and cranberry Snapple - thanks Wes, for officiating my pigginess) we finally found a SD-card in Argos and voila! It's not the camera after all!
*phew* Maybe I killed the original card by inserting it into my lappy the night before to transfer pictures. Aiyaaaaa.

Proceeded to Baker Street for Madame Tussaud's. The tube station walls are peppered with weird colourful tiles like these. Upon closer inspection, I realised that they were...
"Baker Street is where Sherlock Holmes used to reside," Wes said nonchalantly.

I would've deduced so if given more time. Honest. How come I didn't know about this? I thought I read some Sherlock Holmes back in primary school. And there's an episode in CSI about the man, right? Grrrr. Spending one whole day with a Singaporean made me more
kiasu than usual.

Finally arrived at Madame Tussaud's, but... we gave up upon seeing the crowd. Not a good idea to come on a weekend. Even if we manage to not pass out from queuing up with 50 rowdy schoolchildren and 35 loud parents dishing out threats to said schoolchildren, we wouldn't have a chance to get good pictures in there. So in the end we decided to...