Stansted Airport. I missed my bus to the airport (but managed to catch the next one) so ended up with no extra time to find nice angles to shoot nice pictures from. Took this after clearing a clear vision line between the legs of Dutch giants (yes, they're really tall) while waiting for boarding.

Nice church I saw while walking to Peter's. I don't understand what's the statue of a pile of intestines doing in front though. From this angle it looks like turd, even.
*looks around warily for lightning*
The Netherlands is an hour ahead of London, so we get one more hour of sunshine. Yay for the solar-powered Jess! But their drinks come in the tiniest bottles imaginable. This is certainly the first time I lay eyes upon a 0.2L Coke Light. This street is
the happening place in Eindhoven, and true enough, I see people (and one really fat dog)!

Ate at a Mexican restaurant. The burritos here are hee-yuuuuge. Took me damn near 2 hours to finish mine. Plenty yum though. Makes me miss Chilli's back in KL!
Okay have to go unpack and repack again. Hitting Amsterdam and Zeeland (yay beaches) the next 4 days. Keeping fingers crossed the weather would be good like the past 2 days have been.
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