When a man buys you a French press (fine, it's called cafetière here) when you moan about not being able to have good coffee like back home (Boo I miss our coffee-lah!), it could mean a lot of things. Maybe he likes your company, and by getting a French press you could have more coffee chatting sessions. Or, he's just getting it for you because he happened to see one when he's out buying stuff, and he's not calculative enough (or too shy) to ask for money back.

When a man hears about how your aunt in New York says Krispy Kremes are good and a must-try in London, and he surprises you with not one, but a dozen of different flavours, I think he must like you a little bit to remember details like this, and actually make the effort to spring a pleasant surprise at you. Ok fine, 3 donuts were eaten prior to taking of picture. Cannot abstain.

But when a man dashes out to get you a plunger for your clogged-up shower 10 minutes before the shops close just so you can shower without fear of flooding the house...
I wanted to say "I can feel the
luuuuurve" but it's a rather sensitive word this side of the universe, so I shall play safe and say "he must really like you a lot".
aaaaw, I miss your 'now charming' burps! (never thought I would ;p heehee....)
and damn, those krispy kremes sure look good! MmmmMmmmm babi babi....
Boo-Boo! I miss you too! Kan I TOLD you that you're gonna miss my outlandish ogress burps? Take back all your grimaces and complaints about my unladylikeness! Come fly to London-lah, I will buy you some Krispy Kremes. And find you a man!
what more can you ask when you get both a man and a dozen of krispy kremes? hehe...
damn, i'm taking the next flight out.....okay maybe the next 777th flight...
...will have to start living like a scrooge to scrape up the dough...but hey, it's a plan!
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