Bel wanted to go into Central to look for jobs in bookstores. I needed to get a book for my airport reading pleasure next week, find out how to take a bus into Central London from my area (actually it's from Bel's area, there's just no direct bus from my place), and also try out my new, lovingly borrowed camera (I love you long time, Bel!) for my Netherlands trip.
Bel's Canon semi-pro kicks my Olympus point-and-shoot's puny ass. So many buttons to push, levers to control, and instructions to remember. My fingers are crossed to the verge of bones breaking out of skin - please don't let
this camera die on me. I need my holidaying pictures. And I'm too broke to buy a replacement if anything should happen to Bel's. Think positive think positive.

So we hit the most touristy part of town: Leicester Square and Trafalgar Square. I'm damn happy because I finally bought a nailclipper (you have no idea how difficult it is for me to find this in London! And I'm a bit sick of biting nails to keep them short - tummy worms are making bulging tummy bulgier!) and also... Stephen King's
latest book! At half price from Waterstone's!
I now have sunshine, new camera, new nailclipper, and a new book from my favouritest author. Life is good. Oooooh there're plenty more pictures I took from new camera in my
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