I've never heard of this little Thai restaurant/pub before this event. It's... cosy (the diplomatic version of small). And that's about it. I didn't develop any sudden urge to come back again in the near future to order half the stuff on their menu. Anyways after 2 Bangkok trips I think it'll be hard to get me excited about Thai food in Malaysia.

Bernice Liu looked right into my eyes and smiled. And I almost collapsed from shaky knees. She's so hot! And her Canadian accent is so endearing! But nothing beats British accent-lah. Poshness to the max. No I'm not saying it because I got my UK Working Holiday visa.
I'm saying it's one of the major reason I wanted to get my visa in the first place.
And now, lao-niang is GOING TO LONDON IN JUNE, bucks and bitches!
*head bang to a Mika song - because they make me happy*

Luna Bar looking fun even in broad daylight. It's right upstairs our launch event and the maintenance guy was kind enough to let us in (must be my cleavage). So THIS is what Luna Bar looks like. Heard plenty about it but haven't been. Very nice concept but... cosy. Pubs with a pool and possible bikini-clad hot mommas splashing water at each other while giggling should make it a point to cram in more tables and chairs. Around the pool. And binoculars for seats further away.

Lunch was an explosive affair at Chilli's Bangsar. Why explosive? As usual, we ordered too much food. And I was determined to break my 7-glasses-of-bottomless-tomato-juice record. Only managed 5 though. But we only had an hour for lunch so I guess that's still some achievement. I stopped when my jeans buttons almost shot out and kill Aggy across the table.
For more group camwhorisation, go to my Multiply yar.
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