Four weddings down for 2007. And it's not even the end of March. Wassup with you people? Year of Pig very auspicious to pinch your friends' and relatives' hard-earned sweat and blood money is it? Siiiigh. No, no. I'm not upset you're married and I'm still single, I see plenty of me around at the dinners. And we're happy me's too, mind you. I'm upset when you send the wedding invite to my hometown address and get my mum upset. And when she's upset why I'm nice to children and old people and kind to animals and financially sound but single, she'll say, "Must be you're too fat-lah, can you please don't eat so much!" and I'll get upset.
When you're almost 28, being single can never be BY CHOICE anymore?
But to my married (and marrying) friends, may you stay married long long time! And have sex legally and make plenty cute pinchable babies and so on so forth.
For more festive lovey-dovey pik-chas, go to my Multiply yar.
IN 2000 I went to a family wedding and my mom introduced me to a group of friends as an OLD MAID!
I shrank in my seat.
I am now married four years.
Im quite enjoying your blog, makes me feel aware for what's going on around me. So keep working. ;)
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