We took a boat ride out for the second day's snorkelling sessions. Furby didn't join the rest of the gang as she went diving right after breakfast. When we met up again later that day, she admitted that she barfed (again) during her dive. Lucky Perhentian fishies! Could always expect food when Furby's around!
The fishing boat that took us out to sea rocked like nobody's business. Wombat threatened to throw up any minute. We made her sit down and started clearing the perimeter. It was less woozy to stand at the edge of the boat looking into the water for giant turtles or Nessie (She's huge. She could swim all the way to Malaysia if she wanna. And switch environment to salty waters). The water is so pristinely clear that we could see the sandbar and rocks and coral reefs way below the surface.
There were already another group present when we reached our first destination. Wombat had turned a little green. The water looked deep. We scrambled down the boat in excitement.
"I don't see any fish!" I shouted at the guide. The same one who took us to the other side last evening. And abandoned us during the could-be thunderstorm.
"Wear your mask and put your head down-lah..."
Whoa. There were actually swarms of fishes around us! I mean swarms. Hordes. Masses. I've never seen so many different types of vibrantly coloured fishes within touch (well, the goggles have x2.5 magnification). And they're real!
post script: We were wondering why our guide refused to join us in the water. "What if we drown?" we asked. He remained adamant. He said he could see us fine from above the boat. Then we found out. The eeky way. The guide from the other group of snorkellers shat into the sea. And the fishes devoured the dung. Oh my. Why on earth do we still need oxidisation ponds?
oxidation pond? we all need our illusions (of hygiene and cleanliness)
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