Night view of our side of the island. The house reef where we snorkelled (and Furby fed the fish) is on the left near the rocks. My camera was still a little wet from the rain. Lucky it's still working.
Absolutely nada happened the first night we slept together. We were really beat from all the travelling and strenous exercise (we had to kick our feet while snorkelling!) and everyone zonked off to slumberland after the usual cleaning routine. I detested brushing teeth using the salty tapwater. Showering wasn't so bad, but toothpaste and saltwater didn't go together. At all. We were exhilarated when told that each room has a built-in washroom with heated running water. Nobody told us the water was salty. Yes it may be filtered, but showering with heated seawater made me feel more like a kiam-hu being pickled rather than squeaky clean. We couldn't boil water for drinking too and had to buy bottled water from the resort. Luckily the resort didn't charge RM10 for a bottle, or we would have no choice but to force Winnie up coconut trees. (she's the skinniest!)
post script: The water heater in our room emitted a siren-like wail every time we turned it on. It was loud, mucho embarrasing and I could smell it frying. I, being the hero (as usual), beat the others to be the first to shower. And got this. Idiotic heater microwaving its insides. I ended up scooping water from the wash-basin using cupped palms to wash the shampoo of my hair. The "quick" shower took 30 minutes and I developed bicep muscles. The others happily showered at Furby's washroom and listened to the Symphony of Fury: (1st movement) heater wailing + me cursing + shower being turned off; (2nd movement) shower being turned on cautiously and largo + me baring teeth in full concentration, but wailing started pianissimo then crescendo; (3rd movement) me cursing forte in exasperation + turned off shower + started filling up wash basin.
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