I managed to take a picture of the approaching rain before scrambling for cover. The wind raged with such force. Spectacular.
We had a guide lead us for a little jungle-trekking to the other side of the island to witness a real sunset without condominiums or skyscrapers blocking half the view. Two other couples would be joining our trek. Well, watching sunset is supposed to be a couple-ish thing I guess. Definitely not amorous doing it with 5 other species of the same sex smelling of damp swimsuit and fusty sunblock. The couples were togged up in proper trekking attire complete with sneakers and long pants. We looked at each other and exchanged knowing smiles. Typical city people.
Our smug disposition evaporated when we saw the density of the jungle. How on earth could all these greenery grow on an island in the middle of nowhere? It's an island! Islands have coconut trees and sparse bushes, not jungles! Fortunately, we made it to the other side in one piece, sleeveless tops, shorts, flip-flops and all. I presume the people there are accustomed to seeing a bunch of girls in wrong clothes emerging from the jungle with cuts on arms and legs, busily scratching themselves (where we got the itchiness from still remains an enigma) and tsk-tsking at each other's war marks, because nobody even batted an eyelid when we walked past.
The beach on this side of the island is not as pretty as our side. Pieces of dead corals and wood (from wrecked boats?) were all over the place. It gave me a feeling of greyness. Even the sky appeared to be glum. Suddenly we heard distant rumbles of thunder. Far ahead at the horizon, rainclouds gathered. Dark and menacing and heavy. Then it poured. Half of the horizon turned grey. I wheeled around and saw my companions gaping in awe, like me, except for one. Marina was busy chatting up the Norwegian couple from our Battle With The Green Leafed Monsters a while back. And boy oh boy, the guy is HOT! His not knowing how to speak English made him the more yummylicious! Very clever, Marina.
"Hey girls, you think the girl's his sister or..."
I felt the wind rather than heard it. It slapped at my face, pulled at my clothes and bit into my flesh. Painful wind. Wow. The sky darkened in miliseconds. Everyone on the beach started jostling for cover. Our guide who was chatting up a scantily-clad blonde on the beach a minute ago was nowhere to be seen. I made a mental note to complain to Eric.
"Let's run for it. Back to the resort, everyone!" Wombat ordered.
I felt apprehensive. Could we make it? The idea of being stranded halfway with The Green Leafed Monsters in abundance did not appeal to me at all.
"Wait guys, why don't we..."
They were already gone. Trotting steadily ahead. The sky looked more foreboding than ever and the wind practically roared. Groaning aloud, I followed. Into the blanket of darkness of what used to be a jungle. Thunder boomed its authority mercilessly at us. Our visibility steadily decreased. No words were exchanged, no laughters on our way back. Only grim expressions (ok, I deduced. I couldn't see sh*t to save my own butt) and determination to make it to our rooms before it rained cats and dogs or lightning starts frying people in jungle alive. I was praying silently that no one would fall and tumble off the tracks or break a leg.
The jog back seemed like eternity, but we managed to arrive at our side unscathed. Once safe, everyone started chattering in excitement and relief. It wasn't until much later that we realised the important agenda.
We missed the sunset.
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