Some plausible reasons could be:
(1) Lack of oxygen to my brains from an OD of cigarettes.
(2) The road trip with my college buddies to a wedding 5 hours away (details: tomorrow) and the fact that we've been eating non-stop from the beginning of the journey.
(3) I've reconciled with The Mother (read my earlier posts, lazy ass) and other church members at Raymond & Family's farewell dinner.
(4) John and Daniel appeared euphoric over the farewell dinner and won't stop tut-tutting over my hair (John) and poking my ribs (Daniel). Entertaining.
(5) Jonesy perfected his guitar solo for a particularly difficult song.
(6) I saw someone I've been wanting to see but at the same time not wanting to (don't ask).

Some baffling reasons that strangely didn't deter the chirpy mood are:
(1) I'm so indigested and bloated now my gut is protruding at an even more alarming angle from its normal magnitude.
(2) I'm PMS-ey with nipples so swollen and stretched to the brink of explosion they feel like plastic fizzy drink containers left in a car under the blazing fiery sun for an entire afternoon.
(3) I didn't get to see Simple Plan. Since no one from my company knows anybody who can get me an invitation to their showcase I swore to sleep with anyone and everyone in the industry who can and then Jonesy swore to skin me alive if I don't show up and sing at tonight's farewell dinner. I hate making tough choices like these, infinitum. Option A is seeing this band with sweet songs and talented wacky yummylicious guys I don't mind to group-shag and the chance to actually touch and smell them and eat their sweat. Option B is free food and mingling with churchey folks to atone for my MIA-ness for the past 2 months or so and the royal decree from the band leader. Option C is feigning some mysterious illness and stay home and wallow in self-pity. I would choose A could choose C should choose B.
Sometimes I hate being a rational adult.
Most of the time I just hate being an adult.
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