Thursday, November 24, 2005

worn out

Thursday, November 24, 2005
You know you're worn out when...

You wake up, realise you're late for work, and then you go back to sleep.

You traipse lazily to your car after checking all the locks, start the engine, and realise you forgot the bathroom light.

You come up with 3 excellent ideas for a pitch and as you present it to your boss it slowly dawns on you that you have been working on the wrong brief.

You drag yourself in front the book cabinet, then pause for 2 minutes trying to remember what you went there for.

You MSN Messenger for 10 minutes with someone and then suddenly it dawns on you that you're chatting with someone else with the same name.

You forget to zip your pants and never realise until you go for a second pee 3 hours later.


Anonymous said...

i've done 1,2,4 and 6 before. i'll let you know when i'm thru with 3 and 5.

stop being exploited and leave! call yoke, she's got a num of a friend of mine, joe, who's looking for a writer. won't hurt to try and apparently they CAN pay. good luck. ;)

kong yoke said...

selambe ask her to call me! i deleted his number already lah! so how?

anyways, jessey dear, simon's right. you should get the hell out of there if you're overworked and underpaid. i mean, everybody is at some point, but if it's getting really bad, then it's time to reconsider your options.