Sunday, March 05, 2006


Sunday, March 05, 2006
This weekend is a weekend of pissiness. I'm pissed off by mostly everything and everyone.

I'm pissed off by how my period quit on me after 2 drips of output but the full onslaught of enormous smack-in-the-centre-of-my-face zits and painful tits came rushing anyways.

How not to be pissed when a normal 3-minute drive to the traffic lights took me 30 minutes? Why is it congested when I'm rushing off to meet someone and free-flowing when I've nothing to do and can take all the time I want in the world to reach home?

I'm pissed off by the "oh initially we wanted to have a friends' gathering but everyone couldn't make it except my ex... so we met up anyways" whole crock of bullshit incident. If you know that I'm gonna be touchy and pissy about the session, just cancel it! What's so difficult?

I'm pissed off with how my little brother is all grown up and dating now (without due warning that I'll not be getting his full attention anymore!) and flying off to Sweden tonight for work. I've been dying for a job that flies me to different countries every month since young and I'm pissily jealous. I'm pissed that even though we quarrel most days and don't speak much to each other on other days, I know I'll miss him like hell these 2 weeks.


Anonymous said...

I see blogs everywhere with this " I pissed off" statements. From Kimberlycun, from you, from a friend of mine... You girls just love getting pissed off with something?

Get your little brother's attention by breaking them off. This is not evil... this is about who matters the most.. lol...