Thursday, March 09, 2006

rip off?

Thursday, March 09, 2006
I just bumped into Jill the Ripper. And I don't know how to react. Yet.

What to do when you discover someone ripping ideas off your blog? Take a few lines here and there, add in a word or two... and claim it as yours? I don't mind much if it's just the "idea" but when I see my own sentences in someone else's blog... it's a strange sensation. A bit excited to see that someone actually reads my crap and hold it important enough to kickstart a blog entry of his/her own. I mean, all the time I just ramble and whine. But at the same time I feel a wee bit irritated. Am I being plain possessive and jealous? Is this intellectual property?

I don't know how to feel about this, really.
Right now I feel as though someone punched the air out of my lungs.

*still in shock*


Anonymous said...

Who and what is it about?


Anonymous said...

Who? Spill!

(I'm hoping it's someone I know)

ogres are like onions said...

If I wanted to expose the culprit I would've done so in the blog entry itself. Rather not. This measure will affect the life-long happiness of someone I care about.

Creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster!

Anonymous said...

A sentence or two is fine. Not like the person take the whole damn paragraph and claim it hers/ his? So chill...


kong yoke said...

i know of someone who plagiarizes chunks off other ppl's blogs. heck, at one time, her blog profile was exactly the same as mine!!! word for word (don't know if it still is)!!! like, she can't even describe herself in her own friggin' words!

i didn't feel flattered at all but rather pissed off.