"I see so many fine and hawwwt people here tonight!"
"I'm going to move here and have beautiful Malaysian babies!"
"I'll need a place to stay, someone to drive me around and a wife!"
What. The. Fuck. Wei.
They're definitely high on something before coming on.

A lot of people went. 80% were there because it's free. 10% were there to ogle at Denise, Utt and Colby. (Fazura who?) 10% were Good Charlotte's legion of screaming, goth highschool girl fans who're probably there because it's free and they can hold hands with their boyfriends without parents' friends or relatives bumping into them.
The opening acts were One Buck Short (too punk rock for my liking), Lo (not really a rock act but hey, Jonesy likes one of his song so...) and Estranged. I'm gonna coo and go on and on about Estranged starting from the next next sentence so if you don't like 'em you can be excused. And find me where they're playing at next while you're not reading this.

Estranged fucking ROCKED my socks! Powerful vocals, tight instruments, the right volume... everything a good head-banging rock experience should be! And ohmygoodiliciousness the drummer really is Azwin Andy. I always think drummers are the yums but Azwin... has got to be the epitome of yumness. Why oh WHY haven't I heard them play before? They're gonna play at Laundry on 12th May... anyone wanna come? C'mon, they totally owned Good Charlotte's asses, must see them live!

What a long wait. In between local acts. Waiting and waiting for the heroes of the night to come out (we didn't know it's gonna be a disappointment yet)... and watching the MV of Keep Your Hands Off My Girl for the 19083762th time... what else is there to do but... take pictures?

No self-respecting rock band drummer should ever pose like this, James. Ever. Leave that to Japanese schoolgirls. But hey, Good Charlotte hadn't come out and we were all in high spirits!
Don't even get me started on the fucking horrible rail transit system on the way back.
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