Sunday, April 29, 2007

the farmer's in the dell

Sunday, April 29, 2007
My desktop is broken! *wail* I don't know if it is a good or bad thing, but finally I'm starting to use the Dell (which, shall henceforth be known as Dellia) and figuring out where to put my elbows. For documentation sake, they've been on my knees now for the past hour and dammit my back hurts, sitting here on the bed fingering Dellia on a chair. I've gotta find a more comfortable position to get acquainted with this hot (and getting hotter by the minute) thing.

Wonder what went wrong with the desktop. BSOD just because I downloaded Daemon Tools to play Diablo? Mmmmmf. Nevermind, the cheapest expert ever is coming tomorrow (cheapest not because of skill/patience but he only needs a burger and iced lemon tea as payment) and if all resuscitation efforts fail... we can always reformat.

Which reminds me... where the heck are all my hardware CDs? Shit on a stick.

Anyway I found this band picture I took of the boys which I like very much.
Say it with me now: orrrrrrrrrrrrrrsome photo skillzzzzah...