My lips and cheeks have swollen to the point that my face is now a perfectly symmetrical square. Like it's flattened into 2D by a truck. Maybe this truck face can audition for a role in Transformers. That is if the lymph bean growing on my neck doesn't explode outwards into a sapling. THEN it's an audition for Swamp Thing.
To top off all the glam, my right toe's (can I not be right anymore) slab of skin has rolled up like an opened sardine can. It was raining and I reminded myself that roads would be slippery and I should walk extra carefully and... I opened my car door *whoop* slipped and rammed my right foot into a rock.
Just not my fucking week. *whine*
Wow, sounds like you're really having a shitty week. I hope that, at some point, things get better for you.
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