Wednesday, May 02, 2007

on tattoos

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Aragon asked my opinion on the dragonfly tattoo she's going to get. And I realised she could be the fifth person I send to Borneo Ink (I should start asking for commission from Eddie and Simon), and out of the five, four are Christians. Have I been leading the flock astray?

Many Christians quote Leviticus 19:28 as support that Christians should never get a tattoo. Hello?! The laws in the book of Leviticus, from what I understand, were meant to keep the Israelites healthy and holy. Then Jesus came and our saving grace is through His humanity and death. Hence a New Law, New Covenant and New Testament. No, I'm not manipulating the fact that His sacrifice will cover whatever sins we're to commit (I know there's still Paul's tricky Romans 14:20-21). But from my tattoos I've managed to discuss my faith with more people, usually with the initial "I thought Christians aren't supposed to have tattoos or pierced ears!" which is an awesomely easy starting point.

Did my tattoos make me succumb to Satan's wiles? I don't think so. My vile ways aren't the tattoos' doings. The ink under my skin actually increased my ability to witness to others (not to mention increased convenience to recover torn limbs if my plane crashes). Now, it's working harder on the staying obedient part so tattoo parlours don't get torched by angry parents/church leaders. Jesus loves everyone, including the tattoo artist, pub owner and pirated DVD seller ya. Take a chill pill.

Do I regret my body art? Hell no.
I don't question someone's motive for getting inked. That's between the individual and his/her God. So the next time *you* want to point your finger at whatever I'm not doing right with the precious young 'uns whom you think I'm influencing, maybe you should get a tattoo as well, and take my burden from being a shining example for them (under microscopic scrutiny nonetheless) off. They might think you're cooler and hang out with you instead. Yay.


dRaGoNfLy WiNgS said...

Whoa...u juz told the world my secret. Oh's not the first time i'm going to Borneo Ink. ;P

Therefore, this lamb has long wandered and so has your commission. Hahahaha...