Thursday, December 03, 2009


Thursday, December 03, 2009
Today is an important day. The date is in ascending order when you write it American style. It's daddy's birthday. And now, also the date I'm half-married.

I'm also a very good travel-mate to have when backpacking in exotic places.
How many baboons could you take in a fight? (armed only with a giant dildo)

Created by Oatmeal


She's Jess said...

Congrats, Mrs In't Panhuis.

Did I spell it correctly?

ogres are like onions said...

Actually we're not actually married and I haven't decided if I wanna take up his name... but it's spelled as in 't panhuis (all small letters). Funny huh.

She's Jess said...

Engaged = married.

The time that matters..

I like names spelled with small letters...

ogres are like onions said...

As long as we're not legally married I guess can still cabut last minute. Even with the partnership registration I'm still single in Malaysia woohoo!