I had a
Lush rush two months ago. You'll always know when a Lush store is near, their smell automatically make their presence known. Usually that gets me really excited, except when my nose is being difficult and sensitive, then I'd be sneezing non-stop and cursing. Anyway, I like their concept, and once in a while I'd give myself a little treat and choose something.
Back in London I was crazy about their lemon nail and cuticle cream, but after a while found it a bit too tedious to apply cream to my fingers and toes every night. And it got into the way of my enjoying biting my fingernails. The cream smells very good but doesn't taste great.

My latest happy discovery is Baby Face. It is perfect as a makeup remover. All I need to do is to rub the soap till it melts (as the weather gets colder here it gets harder to melt), then transfer some to my eyelids (my only makeup area), rub gently and then wipe off with moist cotton pads. It smells heavenly and doesn't irritate my eyes! I lopped off a chunk into a tiny container to bring along whenever I travel. Light and easy, no more juggling your liquids around trying to fit within the on-board quota! My bottle of L'oreal makeup remover leaked and I hated that. No more leakage problems now. I guess the drawback is you probably need to spend more time melting the soap with your body heat before you can de-makeup. I read some customer reviews that the soap can also be used as a facial cleanser but I haven't got the patience to melt enough in my palms to smother all over my face.

YC sent me Mr Butterball, a fizzing bath salt for Christmas. He made me feel damn good. The vanilla musk lingered for hours and my skin had this protective oily (not greasy, mind you) layer after soaking that felt so nutritious, I didn't need to lotion up even with the superdrying central heating on (it's winter!).
I wasn't so happy with their solid shampoo though. You can find out why
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