Monday, November 01, 2004

excruciating day

Monday, November 01, 2004
Today was an excruciatingly unproductive day at work. We're pitching for a bank job and I had to think up a really elegant flyer to sweep 'em off their feet. (what the hell is elegant writing? are there more categories besides formal, informal and something-wittily-in-between?) I absolutely loathe doing bank stuff but Boss says we're going into that direction in the future. Dang! I didn't leave my auditor job to dive right back into term loans, mortgages, interest rates and whatchamacallits. So I procrastinated. Played Hearts on the computer while sneaking glances behind my back to see if Boss or the partner is tsk-tsking. And I stared at some samples from other banks for half an hour (per page) while willing myself to not doze off too apparently. I debated with my inner conscience whether to churn out some halfhearted junk before I go off or procrastinate more and hope Boss would forget about the flyer and the pitch. Hah.

She didn't forget. And I didn't produce halfhearted worthless reputation-destroying junk either. Somehow I received a blinding flash of 5-second-creativity and came up with a nice headline and supporting text. As Boss tried to visualise them text, I fled towards freedom. Let tomorrow worry about itself.

Tonight, at jam session, Daniel leapt on top of an amplifier and played his guitar there. I almost ate the mike.


graceshu said...

Can I come and watch this Christmas? :D

ogres are like onions said...

Grace: The more the merrier. Come, come! I don't know what your usual hair ritual is but I suspect I don't really wanna know. Fret not, though. My church doesn't ban anyone from coming in just because they have fluffy hair.

graceshu said...


i'll promise to at least have it washed then! ;)