Thursday, July 14, 2005


Thursday, July 14, 2005
Sometimes I just bring shit upon myself. Why the hell did I bum a ride from Boss to work today, of all days? What kind of fucking interview lasts until 11.30pm? What the fuck am I still doing in the office, eyes too tired, shoulders aching too much, to be doing anything productive at all, besides rambling and complaining and exceeding my ciggie quota for the day? Why do I have to be relocated to another company fuckyears away from home?

Why the fuck does fucking crap happen to me?
Fuck you all to hell.
You muhfuhs leave me alone.
I hate everybody this very moment.


TheHornyBassist said...

chill chill....i shall not comment on the most recent blog...however, i would like to say, i am still very baffled at your ability to utilize the english language with such flair and humor to create a short poem within a short period of time.....( i'm assuming it was written within 2 hours, coz that's about how often i drop by at your blog to check out if there's any news)....neways, take care, n i'll bring the coke on monday....

c ya

ogres are like onions said...

Julz, you should check out Yoke's witty repartee. And really, I'm just a teenie-weenie fly in the world of literature. Stop treating me like a genius and all. I'm just a normal, fat, green ogress.

Superman, seriously, I've never fancied men in costumes, and most certainly not spandexed men wearing their panties on the outside. So stop playing "guess who" and I'll think twice about shoving kryptonite so high up your ass you'll crap without brakes.