Fuck la. I have 2 zits the size of Mauna Loa on my back, within 10cm of each other. Never before had I been so poisonous. It hurts when I put on my shirt. It hurts when I laugh too hard and lean back on my chair. It hurts my finger and brain to know that the zits are there. Dammit! I've learned my lesson! I shan't feel any pity for an unused piece of soap found at the bottom of someone else's traveling trunk and bring it to my bathroom anymore in the future! Somebody please take my Mauna Loas off my back! (but if it involves painful squeezing of the pus followed by a satisfied sigh from the squeezor and muffled screams from the squeezee... then no thanks)
KC's brand new car of 3 days got broken into a while ago. Just outside the office. With people inside the office the time it happened. Fuck. What gave these daylight robbers such boldness? Alas, nobody saw who broke in the window. KC is a wreck. Lost the brand new working bag I got, lost an entire stack of client's working papers, lost the house keys (and mine too). I was VERY tempted to give KC the "I told you so" speech but refrained. I know how I hated it when people did that to me. But seriously, I did point out that a window alarm is necessary. Fucking stuck-up Nissan people say that their car windows won't break easily. The most damage would be a crack. But no, they won't break. YEAH RIGHT!
Feel like kicking someone at the little hollow behind the knee. Grrrrr...