Monday, January 16, 2006

company lunch

Monday, January 16, 2006
I didn't know I could be sick of real good food. That or my digestion system is shot to the dumps.

The company lunch this year was at Sagano. It's easily the best Japanese buffet in town, but I couldn't eat! My stomache kept rejecting all the yummylicious chow, sending wrong signals to my brain that I was already full. How could I be full after 12 oysters?

Sure, I went to Lemon Garden a coupla times the past few months, and I just had Japanese a week ago... but my stomache used to be The Black Hole. It's insatiable. Dang. How am I suppose to win a pizza-eating contest now? *whine*

I always laugh at people who take fruits at a buffet. FRUITS? If you wanna watch your diet and have fruits rather than real food, stay at home! Why come to a buffet? It's people like you who encourage the hotel to waste real food space to make way for fruits!

Alas, they found their way to my table.


kong yoke said...

i agree with the fruits bit.

waste of buffet space...waste of stomach space.

zandperl said...

I recently went a whole year where I couldn't eat sushi without getting sick. :( It was triggered by one instance of bad sushi, and then I had to take a whole year slowly getting my body used to sushi again.