Wednesday, January 04, 2006

taiwan - sun moon lake

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Sun Moon Lake in Nantou, Taiwan. The lake is so huge that it takes hours to drive around it. The surface reflects cheery sunlight as well as the cool moonlight, hence the name. We arrived too late at night to watch the sunset, and we woke up too late to witness sunrise. My bad. I didn't know that during winter, sunset is around 5pm and sunrise 5-6am.

The jetty in the morning. We were waiting for a tour boat to take us out to explore the lake. Breakfast was a rushed, simple affair as none of us could anticipate the condition of the boat and choppy lake waters. Nah. Lake's calm as a mirror.

Our boat made two stops at different mini-islands on the lake. This is the view from the pinnacle of the first island (with a temple to our back).

This is the second island which is 5 times tinier than the first. We were allowed to hop off the boat just to take pictures. There's no path to anywhere else. The stone-fountain-tree decoration in the middle is nice though.