After a harrowing week of endless packing and stress and driving and lugging heavy furniture... I'm finally in London. Which, strangely... doesn't feel that much different from home. Just more... white people.

Heathrow Airport is very much smaller than what I imagined. Compared to KLIA and Changi, can't blame me for having high expectations. Why like LCCT only one.

Every office and residential building in London looks so... different. Quaint. Like storybook illustrations, or or, them pop-up paper books!

So I went to YC's uni pad, chuck my stuff down, tried to nap a bit (I flew for more than 13 hours dammit) but ended up yakking with YC... so we decided since I'm not sleeping we'd might as well freshen up and go out, because the Ogress brought sunshine to London with her! (don't be fooled by my bright and comfy appearance, my brains weren't actually functioning)

So many posh cars in Barbican! I wonder if they belong to the students or teachers of Barts And The London.

The famous quaint black cabs of London city. Yes I notice I say "quaint" a lot. I can mimic the British accent quite alright too, in short sentences, like "can I top up my reload card, please" and "this is my number, call me" (I wish).

Yeah, fairy tale castle spots like these just pop up in the most surprising places like mushrooms after the rain. And this is just the city... not the real countryside giant castles! Those are gonna be so much more romantic...
St Paul's Cathedral was within walking distance from Barbican so we covered that after getting meself a prepaid Vodafone card. Nevermind that we walked to Bank and Chancery Lane as well. And grocery shopping at Sainsbury in Angel too. (yes, I know you're probably very confused now but I have to show off my newfound London geographical knowledge)

I saw pigeons kissing on a stone table in St Paul's Cathedral! Awwww how schweet... until they proceeded to get it on right there and then. I tried to take some shots but hands were too jittery from laughing. Pictures turned out unblogworthy.

I'm on a double-decker bus! Finally! I know I know, it's just a very big picture of my Ogress face, but look carefully and you can see the angmohs behind me. No bluff one!

When the sun comes out, all the kingdom creatures come out to play as well. Back in Malaysia people who do this would be labelled as
Having fun? hehe, looks like you are havving lotsa!
oiyoh ... good lah you. I jealous! we all suffering here loh.
Queen, yeah I'm having as much fun as I can with the jetlag (still), at places/stuff that require the minimal spending (broke), but so far so good! Feels great to be here.
Simon, suffering is a state of mind. Think positive and you shalt be freed from suffering. And if you don't believe in all that zen shit, hop on the next plane and join me in my big adventure! Then can get married in Rome also. Muahahaha.
Miss you already...Keep those photos/adventures coming.
I wanna tumpang glamour your life since i'm too chicken to quit my job and venture forth like you. ;P
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