Everybody, welcome to the quiet, peaceful neighbourhood of Southgate. This is the street I live on, my house is the brown one in the middle. I really like this place. Let me tell you why.

There's an amazing backyard garden where my housemate, Mark plants real vegetables and flowers. I love houses with a functional green pocket. On a sunny day (like today
*dance*) we can hang out laundry to dry in the breeze and absorb the refreshing aroma of unadulterated nature. The grass here is
so much greener. No, seriously. I didn't Photoshop this picture.

My room is amazingly spacious and cosy at the same time. Very inspiring, romantic lighting too (alas, no takers for any form of romanticising yet). The room opens out to the living/dining area which nobody really uses. The only qualm I have is the quietness that comes with a room without windows. I'm slowly getting used to it, though.

The closest I came to being romantic was actually, all in my head. But many good pictures were taken in my room. Hence I love my room. And I really, really like this picture. (shurrup)

I was initially appalled at the tininess of the kitchen area but since everybody cooks at different times (not to mention I spent about a week at a uni dorm with a HUGE kitchen before this) it's really quite adequate. Barely a week into living here and I know how to operate the microwave, gas stove, washing machine and hot water shower system! Stuff that I've never touched back in Malaysia.
Anyone who wants to drop by for dinner, let me know. Rescue my poor brains from incessant racking of
what and
how to cook for one person. Now that I'm still jobless I have a lot of time in hand and mood to experiment (medical bills not covered for volunteers, though), better make full use of it while the offer lasts!
When i find some sod to buy me a ticket, i'll fly over there to have dinner with you.
Heck... i'll even cook for you!! *hugs*
haha if i could.. i would bring along my dad's carrot cake toooo :) lovely lil place you found
can i have your house phone no.?
last time we went, your mum not around.
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