On Saturday, still fighting lethargy from time difference (please ignore horrendous eye-bags in pictures) and the surreal-ness of REALLY being in London, I met up with
Bel, another Malaysian working holidaymaker. It's amazing how fast strangers can become friends in a short span of time in a foreign place. And how skinny she really is. Bitch! Hahaha. (Bel, if you're reading this, I love you okay? Just very jealous)

We went to Covent Garden first. Bel said she's been the unofficial tour-guide of many a Malaysian tourist in London now, even though she's only been here less than a month. Nevermind the fact she studied in London before, but it's funny how tourists (who do their homework, mind you) seem to know where to go and what to see better than the locals, more often than not. But anyway, there're a lot of people pretending to be statues in Covent Garden to make money. The paint can't be good for the skin... tsk tsk.

There's also this guy who swallowed balloon swords. Less hazardous to skin, but more tendency and practice to smuggle drugs packed into condoms?

Actually-leh, the reason we went to Covent Garden is to see the Malaysian Week carnival thing. But what a disappointment. So small (like Heathrow... hmm maybe I should stop having any expectations from now) with a measly array of stuff. Even the fashion show didn't truly reflect our vibrant culture. What's with the funeral garb on the ladies wei?

Can you imagine how filthy RICH I can get if I start selling Malaysian food here? If only I know how to cook... dammit. Wonder what's the procedure to apply for a London Ramly Burger stall license. I know a lot of people miss the Ramly burgers. Sure one.

The satay is 1 pound per stick, ok. I wonder what would the British people queuing up for it think if they know they can get about 14 sticks for 1 pound in Malaysia? But okay-lah, they even have the ketupat and nasi himpit for sale so still quite authentic.

Then we moved to watch more British stuff. Musicians, unicylist, painters... it's the English Pasar Seni! Although, the Malaysian musicians are more shy to come right up to you and ask for money. I felt really bad for not giving, since I might be the next one singing on the streets... but it'd be rather awkward if I put my sole 20-pound bill into the basket and ask if I can have change.

Bel said this is Covent Garden's landmark picture. "The roof the roof! Must remember to take!" So I took-loh. Nothing interesting inside the market though. Pasar Seni-lah.

Then we went to Chinatown! Well, almost like Petaling Street, this one. Just 2 streets of miscellaneous Chinese shops selling miscellaneous foodstuff and sex toys.

Trafalgar Square. Who cares about the National Museum Gallery or whatever behind when there's a
dolphin fountain? OooooOooo
*stare transfixed* Oh I just realised I haven't been to any museums or galleries since I came to London. Nehmind, plenty of time for everything...

Highlight of my Saturday has to be this: oil protest naked bike ride! (Si, I owe you a big big one for this information) And for the first time Bel asked me to take a picture of her. She's so sick of the previous few touristy spots (been there a couple hundreds of times, I'm sure) she didn't wanna be in any picture. But this...

Multiply the amount of nekkid people seen here by 10 and that's the approximate amount of British dangly bits and udders Bel and I saw. The initial shyness gave way to sheer awe at such majestic sights as out camera shutters clicked away.

Not sure if it's a good idea posting frontals up here (no don't shut down my blog! all these are for educational purposes I swear) so here's a little sneak peek at what we feasted our hungry Malaysian eyes upon. Muahaha. Hot blonde in middle is a host of some telly programme or something like that. She went around interviewing random nekkid males and measured their wee-wees.
Don't you just
love England already? And last but not least... a surprise beautiful discovery at Hyde Park...

Isn't he the most precious, beautiful pan-asian baby ever? Aiya I also wanna make one like this-lah! Sure can beat any Utt or Colby or random Channel [V] host. Then I'll be a rich model/host's hot momma! (hot because I'll be leeching money off my kid to go for cosmetic procedures)
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