Let's backdate a bit to my third day in London. Went for more touristy sight-seeing with Si and my camera died. Which, I'm sure, has no significant relation to Si's awesome sense of humour and charm. Anyway some pictures were successfully retrieved from demised camera and although there should be 29846 more, the following would have to suffice for now.

No London trip would be complete without a walk along the river to London Eye. Too bad the weather couldn't provide a better backdrop (the sun went into early mourning knowing in advance that my camera is about to die a tragic death), hence perfectly bland pictures this round.

A closer look at the London Eye. Wonder if the rip-off Eye of Malaysia look anything similar. But hey, we have fireworks every weekend compared to the once-a-year New Year's Eve fireworks at London Eye. I'm not paying 14.50 pounds to get on something that'll make me barf. The one-time 15-minute ordeal on Eurowheel is enough, thank you. London Eye is 30.

When we came up to this, Si said "you
must know what this is" and actually I didn't know and could care less about anything else besides how much my feet were hurting (I thought I could skank it up walking about in heels, but hell I didn't know
this much walk can happen in London) but I just threw a semi-enthusiastic "wow, Big Ben" (not very big also) which was promptly blown away by the strong wind slapping into my face. But yeah, it is Big Ben (thanks to postcard sent by Shaun a few years back).

I seriously had no clue what this quaint-looking medieval building is. Was educated about the Houses of Parliament (where real parliamentary meetings still take place! no leaky roofs here I bet!), otherwise known as The Palace of Westminster.

Salvador Dali and his... egg. My brains will explode if I attempt to decipher the message his sculptures try to convey. Of course, at that time said brains were too preoccupied with robotic loops of "when can I sit when can I sit when can I sit".

Finally I sat. Found empty benches along the river where I could rest my poor toesies. And this is the last picture my camera took before following the three monkeys into blue oblivion. I wonder
what message my camera was trying to send me.
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