Friday, August 05, 2005

seeing Malaysian Idols

Friday, August 05, 2005
The heat is such a bitch. I wonder when will it rain. I wake up every morning drenched in sweat. Makes me look like an idiot for showering 5 minutes before I hit the sack. But I can't not shower before sleeping because I'll be sticky as hell (or thinking about how I'll be sticky as hell). Mom says I'll definitely get joint-pains or arthritis when I hit her age if I jump into bed right out of shower at night. Fug arthritis. If I don't sleep I won't even reach Mom's age. And I thought after staying in The Land Where It's Always Summer for 20 odd years, I would've gotten used to the fugging heat. Groan.

I got VIP passes to Malaysian Idol tonight. Wheee. Too bad I'm not much of a fan. If it was Simple Plan I'll be kissing random strangers on the street and spread some love to the world. But a VIP pass is a VIP pass. The only problem now: time management.
My parents are coming up for the weekend tomorrow. I have buckets of laundry (oh, tiny orgasm), unwashed loo, bird-shat car, hairballs on room floor and revision for tomorrow's class all lined up to take care of... but no time. And here I am, blogging. Groan.

I hope Mom's carrot-pineapple-walnut cake turns out luvverly. I hope Dad would lay off my body shape. Of course I'm in shape. Isn't round a shape?