And... it's Chinese New Year! Time for visiting, time for gorging and gossiping. Please excuse my absence for a week or so. I'll be too upset after explaining to 8 aunties why am I still unmarried, still earning less than my cousin(s) and still prefer traveling (and job-hopping) than working in a stable 9-to-5 job.
Anyhoo... Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone!
Dog Dog-Dog Dog Chiang!
*piang piang piang* (sound effects of mercun)
Happy CNY!
Your site is awesome-I have so many questions-like how those dots follow around my mouse, and how the bottom of the screen has poetry scrolling through-if you don't mind sharing some of your secrets please email me.
*tong tong tong chiang* *tong tong tong chianggg*
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