Daniel won. Just like the prediction of the online poll. Besides the bloody glaring mistake in the official website ("And You Idol Is... Daniel!"), I've made several interesting fact finds from the whole MI journey.
(1) Nita sings better, but Daniel the Jerk Head - just watch him sing, folks. He has this unique movement of jerking his head (I don't know what else to call that) speaks like a diplomatic politician. Smart move to capture the hearts of swoony young girls.
(2) Daniel has better skin than most girls/women and he smells yummy. Nevermind he's my height.
(3) Penang Chinese are a filthy rich lot. This girl told my friend she spent 500 bucks voting for Daniel. Uh huh.
(4) The Chinese community in Malaysia is damn (rich) powerful (note: this is a mere personal observation so please don't throw me into jail for this dear authorities), seeing how it's obvious that Nita sings and conquers the stage better but still she got shitty votes because many audiences out there voted for Daniel just because he's Chinese...
(5) KC made me promise to sign up for the next season.
Aaaah. Let me go drown my sorrow by stuffing my face with oysters at Shangri-La. I hope they have strawberry chocolate fondue at the Japanese restaurant. *slobber*
i liked the other girl that got kicked out, short hair one. a bit ah lien-ish but she was the best among them all.
daniel is shit ugly.
agree Nite sings better, but its a 'IDOL' contest, the 'idol' factor can be his charm as a whole. Anyhow he beat the others. This is something we should respect -la. U r nobody to judge he won cos he's chinese.Dun comdemn ur own race.
simon: you referring to Xerra with the pink hair? you think she looks ah lien, i think alien. but if it is Xerra, you can always catch her stint in planet hollywood. don't dengki Daniel, he does have his school-boy, gap-toothed, jerk-head charm.
anonymous: really? then what's with the sms-es going around town asking people who don't have an inkling what's Malaysian Idol to just vote for Daniel because he's Chinese? i agree though, that it's an IDOL and not MOST TALENTED SINGER contest. and yeah, it's a good thing to see the Chinese unite for the same cause once in a while.
how do u know the Malays were not Sms-sing ard asking Malays who don't have an inkling what's Malaysian Idol to just vote for Nita just because she's Malay ? How do you know ppl who received sms asked to vote for Daniel really voted him? There's also chinese contestant in 1st season of M.I. If chinese supporting chinese can make someone M.I, winner of 1st season wil prob also chinese-la.
anonymous: maybe the keyword here is penang chinese? muahahaha. probably AF and Mentor has most of the malay crowd already also.
dear mr/ms anonymous....
why are you so pent up about this issue? we all got our own rights to say what we think and how we feel, and why the secrecy over your identity? we can always have a nice little debate, but not with shadows....i prefer to face the person i'm talking to...
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