Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I had the nicest dream last night. I was out at the beach with friends, and there was a mini-tsunami. Don't punch me yet! Like I said, it was a mini-tsunami. But for precaution, my friends and I half-swam half-climbed up the highest coral reef in that part of ocean. The water was waist deep at our position. Then I saw something black glinted beside me.


I love dolphins. Hence the tattoo on my left leg. I got so excited and kept reaching out to touch the dolphin. It swam away just out of reach, but not before doing a graceful sommersault, its skin reflecting the nice evening sun. I dove under the water, trying to look for more. There are! Two swam up to me and I stroked their bellies and backs. I saw a lot of big fishes too. The mini-tsunami stirred the big fishes up from the deepest parts of the ocean. One swam particularly close to me. It had a sad face. I wondered, how could a fish have a sad face? Do they have happy faces?

I woke up feeling exceptionally chirpy. What a good start to a good day ahead! Then I remembered. The dolphins I stroked are black and white in colour. I thought dolphins are grey?!

Shit. I think I stroked killer whales.


TheHornyBassist said...

just wanna back date a bit....if you really do go and sign up for M.I, call me! i'll sign up with ya!



kīlauea said...

oh yeah. me too.

by the way, orcas is cute though.