Friday, September 16, 2005

jaws 5

Friday, September 16, 2005
I must be out of my mind. I think it's the influence of an overdose of National Geographic (Born to Kill: Great White Sharks) and Starship Troopers (Casper van Dien) over the weekend - I rented Jaws 5 DVD last night.

What was I thinking?
*thwack thwack* (slaps forehead with a plastic ruler)

I wasn't hoping for Steven Spielberg, but neither was I prepared for the B-grade-ness of the entire scam. The movie looked like it was shot back in the 70's in Brazil or something. NEW on DVD shelves my ass. Cellphones so clunky you can throw at a shark and kill it. High-waist pants and loose-fitting orange satin shirt. *groan* The only consolation was the sharks didn't have a zipper on their stomaches and "made in China" tiny tags on their fins.

To think that I even cajoled KC into watching with me.

"How come this sequel doesn't have interesting shark attacks one..."
"Aah shuddup, it's coming it's coming."

"Wow, those good guys sure know how to dodge bullets and the boats chasing them..."

"You see! I know they sure will end up..."
"... together one... HEY!"

I got scolded like crazy. For wasting my hard earned money on the stupid DVD. For forcing KC to watch with me. And for falling asleep while it tried so hard to be involved in the (lame) storyline.